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UNICEF Rights of the Child

We are thrilled to announce that we have been reaccredited with our Gold Award as a Rights Respecting school.

The UNICEF Rights of the Child have been the cornerstone of the learning and experiences that we provide for our pupils at Our Lady's.

The report below highlights some of the many ways that we educate our pupils and wider school community, about the the Rights of Children, both within our school and global community.

Gold Award Reaccreditation Report 2022

The UNICEF Rights of the Child, has been a driving force for our school for many years. In June 2019 we were successful in achieving the UNICEF Rights Respecting Gold Award- the first Primary School in the Cynon Valley to achieve this prestigious award. During our celebrations we were joined by the Children's Commissioner for Wales, Sally Holland.

In recognition of our ongoing work, our Rights Respecting School Steering group were invited to attend the UNCRC 30th Celebrations in Cardiff.  Pupils lead a presentation show casing our rights journey, to delegates representing Children's Organisations from across Wales, with Mark Drakeford in attendance.

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